Ticket To Ride

In the last post I talked about Mage Knight. A game so complicated and hardcore that I just couldn’t get. But today, I’m talking about a game so easy to pick up and play, but is all the more fun because of it. Ticket To Ride.

Ticket To Ride is simple. You take the role of a railroad tycoon, and try to finish different train routes to accumulate more points. The player with the longest route from one point to the other gets bonus points.

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The first time I had ever heard of this classic game was from Wil Wheaton’s TableTop. I watched this episode and fell in love with this game. I found an app for the game on my iPad, and immediately downloaded it. I showed it to my younger brother, and we started playing online against one another. Trying to build the longest train we could to beat the other. While Christmas shopping in 2014 I saw the game in Target, and bought it for my brother. We got our parents involved, and they too fell in love with this game. A few months later I found Ticket To Ride Europe in the same Target, and had to buy it for myself.

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Ticket To Ride Europe brought a slightly different spin to things. Introducing the tunnels and bridges that the original lacked. I can’t think of another game that I would recommend getting on Amazon.