Blog Retrospective


Well this is it. The end of the semester and perhaps the final post of this blog. It has certainly been an interesting semester with some fun new games. The whole purpose of this blog was to learn how to present myself through both a blog and social media, and I have to say it was a great way to utilize the concept.

My twitter has seen an increase of followers due to this hear blog, and I’m sure the widget feature down at the bottom helped out a bit. The Media feature on WordPress is another particular favorite of mine. Made it very easy to include photos and video on here.

However, I do wish the dashboard was a little easier to access. My first few posts took me a while just because I couldn’t find the darn thing. Forgetting that I needed to access the Admin button.

I also think that this blog may have benefitted from more videos. The topic of this blog being board games probably should have had more visual representation than I gave it.

Screenshot 2016-05-08 15.37.26

As for the data of this blog, looks like March 21st was the day I got my most views. 12 people checked out my post about Seasons. I am curious about the one person from the United Kingdom who viewed that particular post. I guess you can say that this blog has officially gone global!

Ultimately, I can see the benefit of blogging in the professional world. This digital era is requiring people to know the ins and outs of social media and the blog-o-sphere. I may not continue this blog, but I am considering checking out different topics that may benefit me in a professional environment.




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