My Top 5 Board Games

These are the games that I absolutely love breaking out to play with my friends. The games that we just have to play, as long as we don’t have any new ones to play.

5. Forbidden Desert: A Co-Op game where you and your friends are stuck in a dessert, and have to find the missing pieces to a machine that will fly you home to safety. The big problem? The dessert is constantly changing the board, and your water is constantly getting lower. There is a water carrier class, but if the person who gets randomly assigned this class is a butt, then don’t expect to win this game.

4. The Resistance: A game for 5 or more players. You are a member of the resistance against an oppressive corporate government. Although a few of your members are spies for said government trying to screw up all of your plans. It’s a game full of lies and deceit. A great party game!

3. Ticket To Ride: As I stated in my last post, I LOVE this game. It’s just a great game to pick up and play.

2. Pandemic: A world were diseases threaten to extinguish all life, you and your friends rush to find a cure. Pandemic is a great game to break out to stop, well…a break out.

1.Now, this is a board game version of probably the most nerdy table top program out there. Dungeons and Dragons. I absolutely love D&D, and since this is a blog about tabletop games, it really shouldn’t be surprising that D&D would show up eventually. What’s nice about this game is that you don’t have to worry about creating a character or about who is going to be the GM (Game Master.) The game takes care of all of that for you, and walks you through a very player friendly gauntlet of enemies. If you have ever been curious about D&D, I totally recommend checking out one of the many board games they’ve released.

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